fall sports


No Reserve Volleyball Game on Thursday September 21, Everything is mo ved up an hour...JV game will start at 5:00 and Varsity at 6:00. Parents need to be ready for Parent's night by 5:30!

Fall Sports Parents Night 2023 - #2

Thursday, September 21 st – V VB game w/Burwell (5:00/6:00/7:00 pm)
Parents Night for:
* Volleyball
* Pep Band

Parents will pick up their nametags at a table in the cafeteria. Volleyball & Pep Band parents
will be introduced before the varsity volleyball game starts, at approximately 6:45 pm. All
parents should plan on arriving by 6:30 pm, pick up their nametags and find a seat in the gym.

*ONLY the Seniors and their parents will walk into the gym together.
Parents of Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will remain in the stands and stand to be
recognized as their name & students names are read.
Senior athletes and their parents will please line up at the west entrance to the gym,
in the Elementary hallway. Volleyball & Pep Band parents & students will walk in the
northwest door, walk along the north baseline of the court and stop at the northeast edge of the
court. Parents will stand beside their student along the baseline.
**All Senior parents and their students will remain on the gym floor until ALL of the
Volleyball & Pep Band seniors have been introduced.
**Parents of students being honored this evening will be admitted to the game free of charge!**

Fall Sports Parents Night 2023 - #3

Friday, September 22 nd
Parents Night for: * Football
* Fall Cheerleaders
* Girls Golf

All parents should plan on arriving at the football field by 6:10 pm to pick up their nametags by the concession stand
and find a seat in the grandstand/bleacher area. Introductions will begin at 6:30 pm.

*Only the Seniors and their parents walk onto the field together.
Cheer & Girls Golf Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors need to line up at the North gate on the east side of the
grandstand. You will then walk onto the track to your designated area (following the map on the back) and step forward,
smile & wave when your name is called. Underclassmen parents will be seated in the grandstand and stand to be
recognized as their name and child’s name are called.
Senior athletes and their parents will line up at the west entrance of the field, (FB, Cheer & Girls Golf) and then
alphabetically within each sport. (We’ll move down the field while underclassmen are being introduced so it isn’t so far to
walk!) Parents and athletes will walk down the grass inside the track to the east end of the grandstand area and stand
until introductions are complete. Parents please remember to stand beside your child on the south side of the track and
exit through the north gate when returning to your seats.
*All football players will be introduced first and then be dismissed before the other groups are introduced
We are hoping that this process will cut down on the time and frenzy that accompanies events such as these, while still
recognizing the student athletes that we are so proud of.
**Parents of students being honored this evening will be admitted to the game free of charge!**